There is just something magical about a package of new underwear and new socks. They have the power to create happiness, joy, and awe. They are inspiring and just "new." It is amazing to see the magical change that they create over both children and adults alike.
Yesterday, grandma and I took pumpkin and princess shopping for a new package of underwear and a new package of socks. We started with princess. Even though she is not potty trained yet, I believe it is just around the horizon. So we went down the toddler isle and I picked two packages for her to choose from. One package had a variety of colorful, practical underwear and the other package had a variety of Hello Kitty underwear. Any idea which one she choose? Well, Hello Kitty of course. She was so proud of that new bundle of underwear she held in her hands. She would pull open the plastic snap, then try to close it. If she needed help, she would say "fix it." She held on to that package until it was time to check out.

Since she is also starting to outgrow her socks, we also picked up a new package of white and colored bobbie socks. Speaking of bobbie socks, there is a really nice retired lady that I know that makes a fabulous beaded fringed around new bobbie socks for her church bazaar during the winter months. Princess has one pair that she had received as a gift from this wonderful lady and absolutely loves them. So I bought a package of bobbie socks the next size up and I have a package of the beads at home. I just need to get some crochet thread, then I am hoping that I will get a chance to learn how to make princess some beaded socks soon.
After we found princess her spoils, we turned to pumpkin. The variety of underwear for preschoolers is so more mind boggling than for toddlers. Pumpkin had at least 10 different packages of underwear to choose from. There was Shrek, Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars, Super Hero Squad, Justice League, Lego inspired, CARS, just to name a few. Pumpkin thought for a little while on his choice. I thought for sure that he would pick Spiderman, CARS, or the Super Hero Squad. But he decided to choose a new package of characters that had yet to enter our house . . . . . Batman. He also enjoyed holding his new package of underwear until it was time to leave the store.
Our last stop was to get pumpkin a new pair of socks. Thankful with a boy, there is definitely less variety when it comes to socks and he does not seem to have a preference on this. So it was as easy as finding the right size and tossing it into the cart.
It was a really interesting and inspiring shopping trip. Usually, we have other items to purchase in mind, but this time it was just magical underwear and magical socks. So with much dismay to pumpkin, not a single toy was purchased. Princess did manage to get a frilly little white Easter-like bonnet that was in the dollar bin and Pumpkin came home with a Justice League t-shirt (which not quite what he wanted, but it made do). He had his heart set on a Lightening McQueen (CARS) umbrella, but I did not think it practical and the odds that an umbrella would last more than a few times especially in the hands of a child are always slim. Thus ends our shopping adventures for this weekend.