So here we are once again getting ready to enter another year with such uncertainty.
2011 herald in the year with uncertainty about dad's cancer and a series of firsts without mom and grandpa. We made it through all of the firsts, although some were rougher than others. Dad's stuff has pretty much gone as planned. But in this last week plans are crumbling apart due to health insurance changes.
2012 is going to herald in the year once again filled with uncertainties about dad's cancer treatment and with needing to buy a replacement vehicle. My trusty car of eight years as of Thursday morning is no longer trusty so we are faced with the option of a new engine or a new vehicle. You can guess which one won out. We have one last uncertainty looming . . . We will find out on Tuesday afternoon if Pumpkin needs to have surgery for a second set of tubes in his ears. So 2012 will have a rocky start and our hope is that the year will find a way to level itself out. If you are the praying type, we would appreciate any prayers that you say.
Once again this year, I am not going to set any New Year's resolutions. Living life the best we can manage with setting tiny goals along the way is good enough for me. Besides, reaching the tiny goals and setting new ones is more empowering that trying to reach those lofty goals and failing.