Everywhere we go in town we run into construction. Since it was a light winter this year, construction season started months ago. Road construction, building construction, sewer construction, bridge construction, and the list goes on. I know that construction is good in that fact that it proves much needed jobs in this hard economy, but boy can it be a pain in the putootie to get anywhere at times. A five minutes wait here and a ten minute re-routing there, changing the direction of traffic here, and do not get too close to the gaping hole where the median use to be there. I think I need to take to notes so I remember all of the new changes around town. Ha ha ha ha!
So in honor of construction season, I figured I would do a bit of construction myself and do some work around the blog. I have updated the title graphic. Two of the pages found below the title graphic have also been update (Meet The Family page and Recipe Archive page). I have also created a new Book Archive page that lists the books that I have talked about on the blog. I just need to update Favorite Reads page and construction should be complete for a while.
Speaking of books the local library's summer reading program starts on Friday. I'm really excited! The kids and I should have quite a few reading adventures this summer! I am sure that some of them will find their way onto this blog. I already have two books on hold from one of my favorite authors, Nancy Moser. Pumpkin will be entering kindergarten in the fall and Princess might start preschool too. So I have electronically requested some children's books that were recommended by the local schools for the summer months, too.