Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Princess and the Magnetic Wand

I found this really cool kids activity on P-interest a while back: Discovery Bottles.

I cut up colorful pipe cleaners and placed them in an empty plastic Parmesan bottle.  Then found Princess's new magnetic wand that we bought last week and ran it up and down the outside of the bottle.  Cool!

After I played with for a while (that's half the fun, right?), I gave it to Princess and watched the fun unfold.  So far we have been able to keep Pumpkin in the dark about this wonderful new toy, but I am sure that he will discover it soon enough and then I will need to make a second bottle and probably get a second wand.

Well until the next adventure! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's Official . . .

. . . we have a kindergartener.

Today was Pumpkin's first day of kindergarten.  Today was a half day and tomorrow is a full day.  He was very excited, so much that he woke us up at 5:30 a.m. wanting to go to school.  To be honest, he has wanted to go to kindergarten since March.

We got dressed in school appropriate clothes.  Mommy took Princess to daycare, while daddy reviewed rules that we had learned in preschool.  Then we went outside for a few photographs.

Great-grandma, daddy, and I took Pumpkin to his first day of school.  Since mommy really does not like to be late, we were the first ones to his classroom (minus the teacher and her children).  Well, we will be a touch later tomorrow. 

Great-grandma and I went to pick him up around noon today.  His teacher said that he had a great day.  Yay!  Then we went to great-grandma's house and practiced eating out of our lunch boxes.  Note to self do not pack a container of mixed fruit, that sure did not go over well.  He traded me for my applesauce.  

During lunch we worked on his homework.  I asked him questions, then filled in the blanks.  Quite a few times he told me to quit talking and eat.  Ha ha ha ha ha!

We ran an errand, then on the way home Pumpkin fell asleep in the back seat.  I guess school tuckered him out.  I think it is just what we need to get him to go to bed at a descent time.  When we got home I promptly woke him up.  I don't want to ruin a good thing.

I am sure we will have more adventures soon and we will have to get Princess into the action on an upcoming post.   

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Day With Pumpkin

Pumpkin and I had a mother-son day today.

We practiced wearing our school clothes and tucking our shirt in.

We re-organized his dresser and closet.  
So now school clothes are separate from the regular clothes.

We visited the local children's museum and had a lot of fun.

Pumpkin had french fries and a vanilla milkshake for lunch.

We cleaned Pumpkin's room and pulled out some stuff
for the upcoming garage sale.

We had a good day!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Me, Oh My!

Pumpkin is one day closer to starting Kindergarten.  We met his teacher on Wednesday evening.  She is new to the school and very nice.  Pumpkin was a busy bee and a chatter box during the meeting.  So we will see how it goes.  His new teacher even sent Pumpkin a "Welcome To Kindergarten" postcard earlier in the week. So sweet!

He starts school this coming Wednesday.  In preparation we get to decorate his tote bag that the teacher gave him for his school stuff.  I will have to post a picture when we are finished.  On Wednesday grandma and I will take him to and from school.  Who knows, maybe daddy will be able to join us too. 

I am taking this coming week off from work, so on Monday and Tuesday we get to have mother-son days.  Wednesday will be learning the school routine.  Thursday will be spent getting ready for Friday and Saturday's garage sale.  No vacation for us this year.  Our last vacation was in 2008, so it looks like we will wait yet again another year.  Maybe one of these days we will be lucky enough to take another trip. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Am Princess . . .

. . . I am three!

I wear glasses, one, two, three.

Glasses help me as I see,

I am as cool as cool can be!

"Princess, what do you like about your glasses?"

Pink. Hmmmmm pink.  Playing with my glasses.  The glasses they help me . . . . see. 

"What are fun things you like to do?"

Play.  Race.  Having so much fun.  Giving everyone a hug.  And giving my own friend a kiss.  Watching cartoons.  Playing with friends.  Color.  

"What are your favorites?"

Purple.  Yummy food.  Fish sticks.  Zebra.  Light bug.  Purple square.  Chalk.  Bubbles.

"What do you want to tell the computer?"

One more thing, I like to play having fun.  That's enough.

"Happy Great Glasses Playday!!!!! "

Friday, August 3, 2012

I Am Pumpkin . . .

I like purple and red.

What about jumping in a pile of leaves?  That is too much fun!

School is going to be fun with a lot of toys, and I love you mommy.

But this day I'm going to give you a group hug, then I will love you tomorrow when I come back from school.

Tomorrow we can do a pretty project.

Then we will be friends.

I got a fun idea!  When I get back from school tomorrow, I will blow balloons up for mommy, daddy and princess to share.  But don't pop them cause then there will be more to blow.

And tomorrow we play with Oliver outside with his turkey.

And tomorrow we will shoot water at Oliver once we say we are done we will go back inside and sleep.  Oh, I can't wait!

And when we get back from school we are going to watch tv that is exciting that daddy got from the Redbox.

I want to watch a movie.

I am getting out of words.  I need to talk still.  Oh, tomorrow we are going to make some owl papers.

That is all of the words on the computer!

(Typed by Mommy)