Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Goals

I'm game to try new goals for a third month in a row. The nice thing about monthly goals are that each month allows me to reset and reconfigure what I would like to accomplish. Sometimes it is successful and sometimes it is more of a challenge. So, here are my March Goals:

Health Goals
- Get more sleep (7.5 to 8 hours per night)
- Strengthen my ankle

House Goal
- Clean and organize the kids’ rooms

Family Goal
- Encourage everyone (mainly the kiddos) to clean-up after themselves in the sunroom

Self Goals
- Take the time to capture some nature photography
- Have a least one girls day adventure 

The sky's the limit when it comes to setting goals. You can make them as easy or as difficult as you would like. Do you have any goals or plans for the month of March?