Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Princess & Her Clothes

Princess chowing down last week

A few days ago, I went through Princess’s dresser and closet and packed away the 24 month clothes.  It is always bitter sweet to pack up clothing, because it means my little one is getting bigger and older.  Those favorite outfits are the hardest to part with, but new ones eventually fill the void left behind.  I filled three diaper boxes to be sorted for rummage.  Then I pulled the 3T clothes from the top shelve of her closet and added them to the 2T clothes.  Some of the 3T clothes are a bit too big, but she will grow into them soon enough.  I still have a stash in the basement of Pumpkin’s 3T clothes that had been saved out, but I will get around to bringing them up within the week. 

Clothing has a tendency to draw out memories and I did save one outfit for her memory box.  It was the last new outfit that my mom had seen.  I bought it for Princess about two weeks before my mom past on.  The long sleeved top was pink with brown trim and brown outlines of butterflies.  The pants were dark brown with a butterfly and flowers embroidered in pink on one leg. 

Picking pumpkin last fall

Another outfit that was hard to pack away, was a blue fleece top and bottom that she wore when I took Christmas card pictures in December.  Getting both kids to sit, smile and look at the camera was quite the challenge.  It took a long time and scores of pictures to get one that was good enough for our card.  As they grow older and mature, I hope group pictures get easier.

Our Christmas card photo

I am looking forward to the new memories that will come with a new set of clothes.  I hope those memories will includes potty training, many hours of outside fun, family dinners, and many more.

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