Friday, February 3, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week has been full of busyness.

Sunday, my maternal grandma and I went to a basket making class.  

Isn't it cute?

Monday, Pumpkin had surgery.  He had his first set of ear tubes removed.  The fluid drained from his ears, then a second set of ear tubes put in.  The surgery finished with the removal of his adenoids.  He was a real trooper and did a great job!

Tuesday, Pumpkin had to stay home from school and it was family dinner night at my maternal grandma's house.

Wednesday, I had my fifth allergic reaction in a week so we did not do much.  My breakfast was toast, my lunch was graham crackers, then I was brave enough to bake chicken breast and simmer fresh green beans for supper.  The kids were excited though to have iced sugar cookies for an early birthday treat.

Thursday, was Princess's birthday.  It was just the four of us for the evening.  Princess got to open half of her presents and a special present (a Tinkerbell doll) picked out by Pumpkin. 

Friday - this evening - has been spent doing some much needed cleaning.  I also baked 24 vanilla cupcakes and 24 devil's food cupcakes.  Tomorrow the icing will go on just a few hours before Pumpkin & Princess's birthday party with friends and family.

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