I do love my children, but sometimes they are a touch trying.
Since Pumpkin has started kindergarten he has gotten more stubborn. Since Princess is without Pumpkin at daycare she has gotten move devious. We have our good days and we also have our bad days.
With Pumpkin sometimes I feel like a broken record. "Leave your sister alone." "Don't tease." "Use NICE words." "You need to LISTEN." "Please do what I ask." "LEAVE Auntie's dog alone." "Give me a normal smile for the camera." "Get in the bath tub or I'll wash your hair." (<-- His one super hero weakness) Most of this is a typical five-year old boy not listening to their mother scenario, but none the less it can get frustrating.
With Princess I have to constantly watch. She cries on the drop of a dime if she think she can get her way and/or get Pumpkin in trouble. And today I told her that she needed to eat all of her lunch to get the donut she picked out at the store. So what does she do? For the first time ever, she attempted to hide the food she did not want to eat. She brought me her plate and I asked were he food had gone so fast. She gave me a pouty look then led me to the pile of carrots hiding behind the couch. I know years from now, I'll probably be laughing and it is kinda of cute but definitely a no-no in my book. Once again typical three-year old girl. I will have to develop some super special super powers to deal with the stealth, quite child as she grows up. (Ha ha ha ha ha)
They also both know that daddy is the weak link. They can already twist his arm to succeed in getting what their little hearts desire. . . . chips before supper, delay bath time, fries and milkshakes from a favorite fast food joint, taking offensive food from their plates, etc. . . . Hubby really is a good guy and a great dad, but they just know how to successfully make him crack. I need to send hubby to some super hero training sessions to strengthen his defenses against the powers of children. (Ha ha ha ha ha)
Anyway they are both great kids and I love them with all of my heart, but sometimes mommy cracks and I need to escape to keep my sanity. Sometimes when they get too overbearing and I can't escape we do a "project" to distract. . . . color the driveway with chalk, draw a picture with crayons, watch a favorite movie, blow bubbles, etc. . . If that does not work, then the vacuum monster makes an appearance and they scramble to pick up fast. They definitely listen after the vacuum monster is turned off.
Well off to super hero mom training school to sharpen my skills! ;-)
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