Friday, March 1, 2013

Just Another Day On The Prairie


I got this really cool shot of the prairie this morning as the snow was falling down.  Oh, how I love the prairie!  The sweeping sea of grass in the fall.  The dull orange of last season's big bluestem in the winter time. Spiderwort heralding in the spring.  And the vibrant array of forbs in the summer . . . rattlesnake master, butterfly weed, partridge pea.  Oh, how the list can go one.  What an amazing ecosystem!!!!!!!!

Now, this afternoon was a real treat!  I army crawled for this first shot!  What do you think it is????

I snuck closer until I was able to hide behind a partition.

Wild Turkeys!  Eleven to be exact!



Don't the remind you of dinosaur raptors???  
If you don't think so, try having an up close encounter.  
Definitely a story for another day!

Then I ran up the stairs and got this shot.

What a day!!!!


  1. Aren't turkeys mean? Glad you didn't get attacked! Cool pics though.

    1. Hahaha! I was inside, behind glass. I would not want to mess with a tom. I could imagine that they would get nasty.

      Both of my close encounters have been with hens. One, I almost touched as I apparently flushed it out of the tall prairie grass and it took off flying about two feet from my face. The other was a scene from Jurassic Park, when the foliage around the trail on both sides of me was moving but I had no idea what was going on. Then a momma hen stepped in front of me and all of her poults ran behind her. I backed away and returned the way I came.

      Thankfully I have yet to be attacked by a turkey! ;-)
