Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vroom! Vroom!

Pumpkin had a big project at school and today was the presentation day. Their assignment was to write a story about a robot with juicy words, sounds, and a problem to solve. They also had to build the robot in their story with their family. The whole project has been a month in the making. Pumpkin did a wonderful job today and we are so proud of him.

Vroom! Vroom! 
By Pumpkin

In Hot Wheel Land, six cars were lined on the track. In the morning giant robot racers came. The robot racers did not know how to get into the cars. They were too big! 

Fire Robot had an idea. “I must tell the robots to shrink.” He told them to push their shrink buttons. They went cafluwee! They did not have enough power to shrink. “The race is today. 

We don’t have time to charge our batteries so our shrink buttons won’t work.” Next a storm came. The lightening was attacking the cars because they are metal. A wild snake robot 


slithered up a tree. Boom! The lightening destroyed the snake robot. And it broke a big piece off the tree that is big enough for them to build six giant robot sized cars. The storm is done now 

we have our cars. Fire Robot got into a good fast white car. The racers were on the start line. “On your marks! Get set! GO!” They started theirs cars. The white car was at the 

end of the line. Vroom vroom! They raced near a volcano. A blue car jumps up high towards the volcano. It landed in the water because the wind pushed it away. The white car jumps ahead to the finish line. 

Fire Robot wins the race. He gets a trophy. The End.

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