- Last school year we had a lot of homework battles. Often we were not finishing up homework until 9 or 10 o'clock at night.
- I was sick off and on from April through August. My collapsed gallbladder was removed in August, I have felt much better.
- I messed up a tendon in my foot earlier this month, so I have been in a walking boot for the last three weeks. I don't recommend stepping on a hickory nut husk.
- We live in the black hole of crappy internet service. We have the fastest service in our area, that is reminiscent of dial up speeds. Faster internet service is in our area, but unfortunately has not made it to our neighborhood. I might just have to start calling once a month to inquire if they have gotten around to our neighborhood yet. They are going to LOVE me.
- Pumpkin is in 3rd grade and Princess is in 1st grade. Time sure does fly!
- Princess had a good report at the eye doctor last January. We only have to go once a year instead of every three to six months. Yay!
- Pumpkin has a wonderful teacher this school year. She has been able to cut down on the tattling in the classroom, which has resulted in better behavior on his part.
- The kids favorite movie this year is Minions.
- Pumpkin finally passed his first spelling test of the year this month. The teacher has reassured us that he will not be held back next school year in regards to spelling.
- In the spring, I celebrated 15 years at my work place.
- A local autism support group was started in our community. It is good to be able to talk with other parents and educators that understand.
- Princess also has a great teacher. I volunteered to help with gingerbread house decorating a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed myself, which is rare when volunteering at school. Most parents shun me when they figure out who my son is because they just don't understand and we don't advertise that he has ADHD, ASD, and SPD. They just figure that we are terrible parents that don't care because of the behaviors they see or hear about from their children.
- I cut back my hours at work to be able to pick the kids up from school. Homework battles have decreased and we are finishing our homework faster. Yay!!!!!!
- We were able to save some money back to purchase a new laptop. Our desktop that we still use is ten years old. Now more than one family member can use the computer at a time. Which is a good thing since we use SpellingCity, MobyMax, and Quizlet to do homework and study.
- Pumpkin learned to ride a bike without training wheels!
- We survived the school Christmas concert without incident.
- Pumpkin was able to attend a specialized camp over the summer that focused on social skills and utilized ABA therapy. We have noticed a difference this school year. Two thumbs up!
- Princess enjoys helping great grandma make pancakes in the mornings before school.
- We went and saw our first ever Christmas Day movie. We saw the newest Star Wars movie as a family. It was good, but I am not giving anything away for those who have not seen it yet.
Hubby and the kids with cut-outs from the Star Wars movies. |
- Hubby and I are looking forward to the last season of Downton Abbey.
- I am hoping that the kids take on more chores and household responsibilities this coming year. Our biggest challenge is keeping our rooms clean.
- We are going to be an aunt and uncle again. So far we have eight nieces and nephews.
- I hope to conquer some of the clutter in the house. I may have to enlist some help.
Well, gotta go! We are having a Hobbit movie marathon this evening. Currently, we are in the midst of watching the second movie. The third movie may need to wait until tomorrow.
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