Monday, December 31, 2012

A Little of This & A Little of That

We have been busy around here lately, go figure.  ;-)

Could this be one of Santa's Reindeer?

We had a good Christmas and the kids had a great day.  The excitement of the day was hex bugs getting loose in our cold air ducts.  The mission of the parents was to stop them BEFORE they reached the furnace.  Princess accidentally left the gate of her habitat open during Christmas Brunch and they made the great escape.  Since I have longer arms, I was in the one in the ducts.  With a yard stick and some creative thinking we rounded two loose hex bugs up and rescued them from the furnace.  We also rustled up A LOT of dust bunnies!  At one point my hair got caught on the floor boards and I yelled "Help!  I'm stuck!"  Well apparently Pumpkin's eyes got really huge and he started panicking thinking that I would never get out again.  I was able to untangle my hair and emerged victorious. The dust bunnies are the real winners though, since I am still having some allergy issues from the rescue.  Daddy may have to do some deep cleaning of the duct work soon.

Pumpkin's favorite present is a tie between the Hot Wheels wall track that daddy got him and a radio controlled monster truck that mom's husband got him.  He had been throughly enjoying both.  Princess's favorite present appears to be the small light-up snowman snow globe that Santa gave her and the three hex bugs that she has accumulated.  Daddy has been enjoying watching reading about castle construction in a book I found him for Christmas.  And I have been playing with my newest toy a kindle (which is a real treat for me).  

Tomorrow the Christmas tree will come down and be packed away for another year.  

Neighbor's pine tree on east side of the pond

We just got our first real round of snow today.  The kids have seemed to enjoy itI have lasagna in the oven for New Year's Eve supper and Hubby is playing Super Mario Brothers with the kids.  We have an original old-school Nintendo from when we were kids.  Hubby had me find the Legend of Zelda the week before Christmas.  He is now on the advanced level with help from the computer.

Well better get back to the family.  Good bye 2012 and Hello 2013!


  1. What are Hex bugs? Are they real or a toy?
    It sounds like you had a great Christmas and I hope you enjoy your kindle! We love our iPad and I read quite a few books on it! Happy New Year to the Garvers!

  2. Hex bugs are a toy that our nieces introduced our kids to. They are about one inch in length with a silicone top and silicone legs. You flip the little switch on the bottom of this mechanical creation and it vibrates the toy. They vibrate in a forward direction and turn when they bump into something. They do look quite bug-like when you have a whole herd of them moving at once. Here is a link to a video on the company's website:
