Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life Is Fragile

Life is so fragile and children are so precious.  

As a parent you feel shock and disbelief in the tragedy that occurred just yesterday.  I discovered the news when I opened the web browser at work.  It was the same disbelief that I felt as the events of 911 unfolded.  The "no this can't be right" feeling.  

Even though we live far away from the tragedy, as a parent you have that sudden urge to drop everything, run to your children, and hug them tightly.  I managed to make it through the haze of the work day.  When I got to daycare I gave Princess a huge hug and when we got to great grandma's I gave Pumpkin a huge hug.  

I had told Pumpkin that we would look at Christmas lights through town before he left for school yesterday.  Pumpkin is in kindergarten, just a year younger than most of the victims.  Even though I did not feel in the festive mood to look at lights, I felt compelled that we should go just the same to keep our promise to him (since so many no longer have that chance).

Children are a blessing that we so often take for granted.  Their innocence, their love for life, and their unconditional love just radiate from them.  We need to remember to give them more hugs and more kisses.

I cannot imagine the empty beds of last night.  I cannot imagine losing a child, so young and so innocent.  I do know that it is not fair for someone to go before their time.  The what ifs that dance in your mind.  What if I would of said this or what if I would of said that.  The I should ofs also appear.  I should of took time to do this or I should of done that.  And then the I wishes emerge too.  I wish this would not of happened and I wish I could of had more time. 

Life is not fair at times.  The lost of a child is always a tragedy, whether it is an accident, intentional, or through sickness.  The most heart wrenching of funerals is that of a child, of one that is gone way to soon.  In 2011, I attended a funeral of a child I knew.  I watched her grow up.  I met her when she was 5 and eight years later she was gone.  The funeral was actually harder on me that my mom's funeral twelve months before. 

My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to all those that mourn on this day.  May God bless all those whom are affected and bring peace to all those whom mourn.

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