Favorite Reads

Mommy's Favorite Reading List
The Good Nearby by Nancy Moser
Sister Circle Series by Vonette Bright and Nancy Moser
Author Marcia Muller
Author Tracy Higley 
Stranger in the Woods by Carl R. Sams II
Baby Bat's Lullaby by Jacquelyn Mitchard
Washington's Lady by Nancy Moser
Sunflower Houses by Sharon Lovejoy 
Last Stand of the Tallgrass Prairie by Aimee Larabee and John Altman 
The Shack by William P. Young 
Guardian of the Flame by Tracy Higley

Pumpkin's Favorite Reading List
Grandfather Buffalo by Jim Arnosky

Princess's Favorite Reading List
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (we have to look for the mouse on each page of the room)
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton 
Ladybug Girl Loves . . . by Jacky Davis 
Mouse's First Day of School by Lauren Thompson
Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles by Jane O'Connor