Saturday, April 2, 2016

Out Like A Lion

March was rough, but I have hope that April will be better.


I did not accomplish as much on my goals as I had hoped. My allergies kicked in and knocked me down for about a week, darn pine pollen. I am still rocking the boot of doom. Sixteen weeks (four months) so far. I see the doctor on Monday.

We had some serious technology problems in March. I spent over fourteen hours with tech support of three different companies. I think that the root of our problem is our internet provider and the extremely slow snail paced speed, so I am working on researching viable options. The new modem and new router that I purchased brand new is doing much better than the refurbished piece of junk that our internet provider sold us in August. My kindle is finally working again, after I had to deregister, reregister, restore factory setting (system wipe), and reregister with a tech support person because it was not able to download readable books. Finally, I thought that the laptop had been fixed, but discovered last night that Microsoft Updates is frozen at 0% again. Oh joy, more time with tech support in my future!

A positive for March . . . . . I got new glasses. My prescription has been reduced, although I am heading to the eye doc in a bit to have them retweaked. The new prescription isn’t quite right and I am having issues with my long distance vision. But I like my new frames. My previous frames I got in 2011. I try to use them through at least two doctor visits before updating them.

Goals Update

Health Goals 1) Get more sleep- I did better with the sleep before the time change. After the time change and during the days spent with tech support, I did not do so well. I was online with HP tech support until 1:30 am one morning. Ugh! When I contacted them at 9:30 pm, I thought this will only take an hour. Famous last words! Ha ha ha ha! The past few days have finally evened out in the sleep department. 2) Strengthen my ankle- Since I am still rocking the boot of doom, strengthening my ankle was not in the cards.

House Goal 1) Clean and organize the kids’ rooms. Well. . . . this one is an epic fail. We did manage a path to Princess’s dresser. Pumpkin and I got 1/3 of his room cleaned and it has remained cleaned. We still have 2/3 to tackle. The only time we have to clean the rooms is on the weekends (none homework nights), so we have been a bit limited with the Easter holiday and when I could barely walk. We will need to continue during the month of April.

Family Goal 1) Encourage everyone to clean-up after themselves in the sunroom- We have good days and bad days with this. The “Bunny” got the kids Legos, so we have a Lego explosion right now. I have given them both gallon sized baggies to pick up their Legos before bedtime each night. Then remind them if I step on a Lego with the boot, it might break. So there is another one good plus to the boot of doom, it definitely encourages the kids to clean up more. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Self Goals 1) Take the time to capture some nature photography- I have gotten a few good shots during March. I have been a bit more limited, since it is difficult to leave paved areas. 2) Have a least one girls day adventure- Aw, man! Another month goes by without getting a chance to do something with a friend or two. Parenthood is not all it is cracked up to be at times. I will have to work harder on this one. But if texting friends to keep up counts, I have definitely rocked that one with a couple friends.

Well off to have a few adventures before write my April Goals post.

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