Sunday, November 2, 2014


This time of the year is all about changes.

Changes in season: Fall has finally brought the first hard frost of the year. Good-bye bugs!

Changes in temperature: It is like a yo-yo around here. One day up, one day down. Time to break out the blankets!

Changes in clothing: Hello fall and winter clothes. Good-bye spring and winter clothes.

Changes in time: Woohoo! We fell back an hour = an extra hour to sleep in this morning!

Environmental changes are good. They give us a chance to slow down and reflect on physical, emotional, and spiritual changes too. What changes are we expecting in the next few months? What changes do we want to make in the coming months? What changes will happen that will take our breath away?

Changes are everywhere. If we do not change, we cannot grow and we cannot thrive. We are continually adapting to the changes in our lives. Some changes are small and some are huge. Some are planned and some are unexpected. Some changes are good and other are heart breaking. Changes are like a roller coaster with ups and downs. The only thing we can control is how we react to each change. Will we take it in stride? Will we roar like a lion? Will we retreat and lick our wounds? Will we crumble and fall? Will we be an example to others? Changes.

I am not sure what the next few months will bring. The last twelve months has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. I hope that life will get easier, but I know there are many more bumps to navigate.

Changes that I would like to see:
- The kids helping more with keeping the house clean.
- Figuring out how to effectively relay information to my son.
- Slowing down, breathing, and eating healthier.
- Remembering to ask God for help more often.
- Figuring out how to lessen stress in our lives.
- Taking time to give more hugs and more kisses even when the kids are driving me up the wall.

What changes are happening in your life? What changes would you like to see?

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