Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Goals

I find that New Year Resolutions really do not work, at least for me. So I have been thinking quite a bit and I think that monthly goals are the way to go. They can be modified on a month to month basis depending on what is working and what is going on in our unpredictable life. So without further audieu . . . 

January 2015 Goals

- Lose five pounds and maintain weight reduction.

- Drink at least two glasses of water per day.
- Eat more fruits and/or vegetables.

- Do the rubber band method with Pumpkin
- Create a reading nook for the kids

- Clean and organize the great room (Week 1: southwest quadrant, Week 2: northwest quadrant, Week 3: northeast quadrant, Week 4: northwest quadrant)
- Sell four items online to help declutter.

- Buy myself one non-necessary item. (Extremely hard to do, always find things for everyone else in the househould)
- Schedule a few hours to spend with a friend.

- Write down at least 1 blessing per week and place it in a jar.

Well, I am curious to see how much I accomplish by January 31. I am hoping to keep myself motivated and complete some of my items on the above list.

Do you have a goal or two for 2015?

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