Friday, May 6, 2011

Tree Happy

I have wanted to have a sassafras tree in my yard for an incredibly long time.  Yesterday my wish came true!

A wonderful couple that I know gave us two beautiful sassafras saplings.  The larger sapling is three years old and the smaller sapling is two years old.  

Pumpkin, Princess, daddy and I worked together to plant our new trees.


First we had to select the perfect spot.  Then daddy dug a hole, with Pumpkin’s help of course. 

Then each sapling was placed in its new home and given a big drink of water.

My grandma let us borrow some of her tomato cages to help protect our new little trees.

This is what the leaves will look like when they get a tad bit bigger.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that they take to the transfer and grow healthy and strong sassafras trees.

Sassafras Facts
1)     Nickname: Mitten Tree
2)     Leaf shapes: elliptical, left mitten, right mitten, dinosaur foot
3)     Height: 30-60 feet
4)     Fall colors: oranges, reds, purples, and yellows
5)     Leaf aroma: fruit loops or lemon pledge smell
6)     Use for roots: original rootbeer, teas, coffee, and candies
7)     Sassafras oil (safrole) is carcinogenic and can cause liver damage thereby banned in food production by the FDA.

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