Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Change of Plans

Does this ever happen to you?  You start to do one thing, then totally change your mind and do some thing different.  

That is just what happened with book number five this summer.  I started reading Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, but just could not get past the first few chapters.  I like the BBC movie version of this book, but do not have the patience to read the book and try to translate into my mind what they are trying to say.  I felt like I was in graduate school again trying to translate an article about genetic variations in some species of animal, ugh.  I think I should stick to American literature for the time being, then try other literature when I'm not in such a hurry.

So I moved on to the official book number five, The Lost Recipe of Happiness by Barbara O'Neal.  It was a good book overall- love, food, aspirations, and dreams.  

This book was harder for me to get sucked into it.  The setting was a restaurant being revitalized and of course it had a Mexican food influence with lots of peppers.  Since I am allergic to peppers (oral, skin, and airborne), I could not envision myself into ever stepping into this make-believe world.  A large majority of the recipes included in the book are also taboo for me, but there are a few non-pepper recipes I would like to add to my stash.  

The overall theme was good, as the main character is struggling against tragedy in her past and learning to trust with her whole heart.  The supporting characters are also very well written and there is a good flow throughout the book.  You can feel yourself rooting for the characters as the story proceeds.  If you want some spice in your life, you should definitely try this book out for size.

Book number six is a work in progress, as I have been reading it off and on for about two weeks now.  The Way of Boys: Raising Healthy Boys in a Challenging and Complex World by Anthony Rao and Michelle Seaton.  I'm hoping this may help me to understand Pumpkin a bit better during this preschool stage that we are traveling through.

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