Friday, December 23, 2011

Me, Myself, & I

It is the Christmas season, it is suppose to be a joyous time.  But I find myself getting very annoyed.  This time of the year should be about loving one another and hurtful comments should be kept to ones self.  I may not always be an optimistic person, but I try to make a majority of my posts about happy things.  There is no point to dwell on things that cannot be change.  There is no point in blabbing to the world negativities that others do not want blabbed or want to hear.  If someone asks me to not talk about something over the internet, I refrain from doing that in respect for that person. 

So, here is about me.  You can take or leave it.  

- I do not need to be told what I am doing wrong.  I believe that you should never ask someone to do something that you are not willing to do yourself.  I do the best I can, if that is not good enough do it yourself.

-I do not need to be told what I should do.  I am a working mother of two young children with a husband typically works seven days a week.  I love my extended family, but I am going to treat them like equals.  If they ask for help I will help them to the best of my abilities.  I will not treat any of my adult relatives like they are a child.  Yes, people get sick.  Yes, it sucks.  I am not hiding behind my mother's death.  But my first responsibility is to take care my children, no matter what happens in the future.

 -I do not need to be made to feel inferior.  I am simply me.  I am one person.   I do not hold the world on my shoulders, nor would I want to. I believe that God has a reason for everything and never gives us more than we can handle.  

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program . . . . . . . . . . .


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