Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Are Having WHAT For Lunch?

Oh, Pumpkin!  How I do love you!  

Today has been full of adventures.  Pumpkin and Princess chilled out in front of PBS kids this morning while I made pancakes for breakfast.  Pumpkin decided that he wanted his two pancakes cut into four pieces with syrup in bowl for dunking.  Princess decided she wanted her two pancakes whole with nothing on them.  Pumpkin pretty much downed his, but Princess just nibbed on hers.  Sometimes I think that they have an unspoken food pact going.  You never know from day to day what and how much they will eat.

Our next adventure led us to the grocery store.  We just got my car back last night.  We were originally going to replace it, but Pumpkin will be having a second set of ear tubes and his adenoids taken out later this month so we had to go with the option that did not include a monthly car payment.  We went over the great grandma's house and picked her up for our Saturday morning shopping trip.  

At the store, we picked up the necessities and I got the supplies to try a new recipe: Baked Shrimp Scampi posted by Dinner at Cheshire Farm.  The two little monkeys did a great job at the store, so we each got our Saturday morning donut. As soon as we get home from the store, we take our coats and shoes off.  Then before we can get our donuts we have to wash our hands.  Thankfully for me, that delays them long enough to get their donuts onto their plates.  

After donut time, I forced the kids into service.  They actually had to pick up their toys in the sunroom.  What a mean mommy I am! (wink, wink)   Pumpkin absolutely hates it when I vacuum.  Instead of trying to pick his toys up faster so the vacuum will not eat them, he is occupied with trying to stop me from vacuuming.  I vacuum under the dinner table, under both couches, the tv stand, and the lazy boy.  I am hoping that my back won't be angry at me later.

Next it was time for lunch.  Since it had only been an hour since donut time, I decided to try something different.  I told Pumpkin that today was fruit and vegetable lunch day.  I got a loud, "EWWWWW!  I don't want fruits or vegetables!"  So I allowed him to chose which ones he would eat.  Lunch choices included: apples, bananas, raspberries, strawberries, cutie oranges, celery, or romaine.  

Pumpkin decided that he wanted a green apple with peanut butter.  

Princess was excited about the choice and decided on strawberries.  She was even brave enough to try an orange slice.  Which of course squirted her in the eye, but thankfully she was not deterred and ate two orange slices.

I ended up having a bowl of strawberries, raspberries, and cutie orange slices.

The kids are off in their bedrooms now for quiet/ nap time.  I plan to work on some more cleaning and organizing.  I am really looking forward to supper time to try out the new recipe and I made sure to pick up a loaf of crusty bread just for the occasion. 

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