Sunday, April 14, 2013

Side Effects . . . .

A side effect of spring is . . .
. . . that plants start pollinating heralding in allergy season.
. . . that I want to takes tons of pictures featuring spring wildflowers.
. . . that the weather can be so unpredictable.
. . . that you are suppose to spring clean.

A side effect of purchasing french bread is . . .
. . . that I want to devour the whole loaf slathered in butter.
. . . that my husband uses it to butter his corn on the cob.
. . . that a child will inevitably drop the bread butter side down onto the floor.

A side effect of having a computer is . . .
. . . that kids want to play PBS kids all the time.
. . . that daddy wants to listen to a particular song online over and over and over and over.
. . . that mommy does not get as many chores done.
. . . that they are obsolete as soon as you buy them.  

A side effect of having children is . . . 
. . . that you never know what they are going to do next.
. . . that you really appreciate what your parents did for you.
. . . that you choose to kiss owies.
. . . that no matter what, you will love them until the ends of the earth.

A side effect of working is . . .
. . . that you want to drink A LOT of chocolate cherry cokes.
. . . that you get to see the light bulb click on when someone gets what you are trying to say.
. . . that you learn to think on your feet and fast.
. . . that you wonder what it would be like to not have to work. 

A side effect of being human is . . .
. . . that you care about what happens to those you love.
. . . that you have faith in things you cannot see.
. . . that your feelings can and will be hurt through the journey of life.
. . . that you have the power within yourself to be whatever you dream.        

Can you think of any side effects?


  1. Great post!

    Side effects of being a pet owner...

    ...there is fur everywhere.
    ...nothing is as sweet as seeing your kid sleeping next to her favorite cat.
    ...very well fertilized areas of the lawn
    ...alarm system when someone unknown is approaching your yard

    1. Ha ha ha! Love it! Thanks for sharing Jen! :-)
