Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sigh . . . . . . .

This summer has already been quite busy and it has just begun.  I have a feeling that it is going to be one of those "Take One Day At A Time" summers.  

This past week was basically crazy for me.  I was so exhausted that I did not want to do much after I got home in the evenings.  Unfortunately the above normal exhaustion cause my immune system to crash, so I have been a bit under the weather since Wednesday and Pumpkin follow suit in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday.  Initially we thought that both Pumpkin and I were suffering from allergies, but Pumpkin had a fever Friday evening so it looks like we both got summer colds.  

This past week, I was also trying to prepare more meals at home to help our budget a bit.  We did pretty good for the most part.  Thursday night I was so puny that could barely lift my head, so hubby ran out and picked up some pizza.  Hubby only complained once about the lunch options; he did not like grapes in the egg salad sandwiches that I made for lunch on Monday.  So scratch the grapes for the upcoming week. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The kids and I also worked on reading books for the summer reading program.  Pumpkin and Princess had a goal to listen to five books to reach the first week's goal.  I looked over the adult summer reading pamphlet and have decided to not participate this summer.  They do have prizes for the summer reading program, but it will be based on who reads the most books (which is not attainable for me to do).  So for my own personal goal this summer, I would like to read five books in June and five books in July.

Pumpkin has been drawn to the book Art & Max by David Wiesner.  He likes to flip through the pages and look at the pictures.  The book is about two lizards in the desert.  One is a painter and the other one wants to paint.  Through a series of funny bloopers they both learn more about themselves and each other.  Sometimes the unexpected is more delightful than staying within the lines.

Princess liked The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse by Eric Carle.  This a cute and simple book.  Princess was able to help me read this book by telling me the animal and color of the animal on each page that we turned.  It starts with "I am an artist" and then goes on to see creative animals in a variety of non expected colors.  I think this book allows children to see that they can use their imagination to create and color objects however they see fit.

I have also worked on my summer reading list . . . but . . . you will have to check back in a few hours for that post.

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