Saturday, March 10, 2012

There's A Season

There's a season for everything under the sun . . .

Yesterday was a sick day.  Pumpkin had the flu.  So we kicked back and tried to take it easy for the day.  We watched a few movies, read a few books, and rested.  We also had three changes of Pumpkin's bed attire and he had three trips to the tub to get cleaned up.  For the most part, Pumpkin was pretty even tempered even though he had to feel terrible. 

He decided that it had to be "french fries."  The last thing he ate before he got sick Thursday night was a few of daddy's french fries (the kids and I had had something different for supper).  So every since Thursday evening, Pumpkin keeps saying "Don't eat french fries.  They made you sick!"  Oh, the mind of a child!  

So far Princess, Daddy and I have yet to get sick.  Pumpkin is feeling much better today and has not been sick since nap time yesterday.  So may be it has run its course with him.  Pumpkin, Princess and I are once again chilling out at home, just in case.  One of us parents will have to go out this evening and pick up a few groceries, but we have enough to get by for a few days if need be. 

Today has been pajama day & play day.  Pumpkin and Princess have been playing very well together.  Not sure how long it will last today, but it is nice to have a semi-peaceful house for the time being.  They have been very active though, Pumpkin's room has been transformed into a pet shop.  I could barely get the door open earlier.  I think they both will need to do some cleaning in there today, since they both helped to "build" it.  Hmmmm. . . I may have to threaten to vacuum his room later (wink, wink).

I did do a bit of spring cleaning yesterday.  I cleaned the three windows in Pumpkin's room with window cleaner, then wiped the frame and seals down with bleach.  I was also able to clean the ceiling fan in his room.  I'm hoping to do the windows in Princess's room and our bedroom today.

Who knows what tomorrow will hold, but it is sure to another season in this unpredictable adventure of life.

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